Friday, June 13, 2008

little swimmer

I am proud to say that Sofia is now a pool lover. Tuesday, after story time at the library, we went swimming at the Firethorne pool and she loved it. Missy and I both agreed she just needed to warm up to the pool so when we got there, we put our feet in the baby pool. Then, we headed to the shallow end of the big pool. At the end of the day, Sofia didn't want to leave.

my little swimmer

Missy, Isabella, Sofia and I had a great time playing at the pool with one exception. When we got out of the pool, I heard Sofia saying "uh oh" so I looked back at her and saw that she was going to the bathroom. Turns out the "swim diaper" she was wearing wasn't a diaper at all, it didn't do anything! Before we headed to the pool, I put a reusable swim diaper on Sofia. I should have known it wouldn't do any good when I saw it, it looked more like panties than a diaper. Needless to say, from now on we will be sticking to Little Swimmers.

i love the look on her face!

Wednesday, we took the girls to the Lifetime pool and Sofia loved it. She sat in the water for a little while with Aevary, just taking it all in. Then, once Sofia got up the courage, she headed out into the deeper water- and by deeper I mean 2 feet. She walked all around the shallow end by herself and then Missy took her further out. I love how Missy and I take turns with one another's children, it's great. Sofia actually preferred Missy that day. Sof had so much fun and even jumped in the pool with Isabella! I'm happy we can spend our summer in the pool because this heat is out of control. Not to mention, swimming = nap, guaranteed.

Isi Pisi posing
Mama Missy and Sofia

Thursday we headed to playgroup with the lovely Hall ladies. We met Missy, Isa and Aeva there and the girls played together on the jungle gym. There was also a neat spray park nearby, but the girls chose to watch rather than get in the water. Sofia was fascinated by the fountains that sprayed water and then disappeared. We will definitely be returning to the barn park throughout the summer, everyone enjoyed it. Next time we will bring out bathing suits!

We also got to spend more time with the precious Tichenors. Sofia absolutely loves Carson. She loves all babies but he's got the coolest toys and the sweetest disposition which makes him among her top ranked babies. The two munchkins played while I had a meeting with Mama and Daddy and afterwards we took Mer and Carson to one of the best restaurants in Houston, wink wink. Sofia and Carson did so well in their high chairs, thankfully we didn't have repeat of Monday's performance so we were all able to eat in peace.

This weekend we will be heading to San Antonio for some r&r and celebrating the wonderful men in our lives we call "papa, dad, abuelo, opa, viejo, papi, dada".

I hope each of you have a blessed weekend and Happy Father's Day!


Anonymous said...

Awww..... Happy Father's Day! cant wait to see you again! cute pictures!! have a great day tomorrow! i am so tired i cant even type. hahaha! nite nite!

Lauren, Brantly, and baby said...

Always such precious pictures!