Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the joy, joy, joy joy down in my heart

after a great day out with the gang, sofia and i came home and all she wanted to do was talk. she's been talking more and more each day but today, it hit me, my baby isn't a baby at all anymore. the only thing 'baby' about her is that she wears a wettie and sleeps in a crib. and the wettie is on it's way out the door, per sofia's request. where has the time gone?!

sofia and i were sitting in the living room playing with her new block, when she suddenly looks up and says, "Lizzie, come here." when did this happen? when did sofia learn how to say 'Lizzie' instead of Liz and WHEN did she begin saying, 'come here'?! i was simply in awe of her. that was the most clear she has spoken in her life and the most words she's said consecutively. it's a huge milestone and all i could do was look at her a laugh. i started to laugh, then she started to laugh and since she thought it would make me laugh, she kept on saying "Lizzie, come here." the reason i was laughing wasn't because what she said was funny, it was because i was overJOYed.i started thinking about all the new words she can say, 'towel, it's hot, cookie, pizza, hola popy,' it's incredible. so for the next 10 minutes, i watched my not-so-baby, as she stacked blocks and ordered her aunt to come watch. i am so proud of my sweet Sofia.

It truly is a beautiful thing to watch your itty bitty tiny baby grow into a little person and I look at Sofia in wonder sometimes, amazed at how intelligent, kind, caring, and perfect she is. She lights up my days. children are little miracles and we are thankful to be blessed with our precious Sofia.

this week, Sofia has been a little ball of energy. no matter where we go, she said
'i waan' walk', so we let her walk and she eventually takes off, running, trying to grab and explore new things. we went to the children's museum Monday with Mer, Stac, Ava and Carson and they kiddos had a blast. Sofia didn't want to stay in the tot spot, she wanted to bang the drums they had, ride the motorcycle and drive the space ship simulator. she also painted her face; by herself! she grabbed the crayons, got them wet, looked in the mirror and went to town. she looked so cute!

yesterday, we went swimming at JiJi's and Sofia wore her new bathing suit for the first time. she was so proud of it, when we bought it, she actually took off the shirt she was wearing (on her own) and kept saying, 'mama, i waan'. Ava, Sofia and Carson had fun in the pool, Carson even had his own adorable frog pool to play in, but i think the older girls liked it more than he did.

while swimming, we got a call from Papa. Sofia wanted to say hello so she sat by the edge of the pool with my phone. not 1 minute after we hung up, Sofia grabbed the phone and flung it into the water so folks, if you've tried calling me, i might not answer because i'm trying to dry out my brand new phone. Syd was kind enough to let me use his for now but if anyone has got an extra one they would like to loan us, we would graciously accept it.

before i go, i would like to give a shout out to all the international readers. i checked my blog stats and there are people from Australia, Turkey, Slovenia, Taiwan, the U.K, Nicaragua, and of course our lovely friends in the Netherlands. thank you for caring about my family enough to read through my mindless banter.

priceless picture of motherhood

AND one more thing...NO, i'm not pregnant. 2 people this week have asked, i'm not...but i know someone who is. we're so happy for this family, but i will keep it my little secret till they make it public.


the tichenor family said...

we love you so much! our playdates brighten my day! that picture on the motorcycle makes me laugh. we were totally peer pressuring our babies and they weren't having it. so funny!

p.s. i'm not pregnant either!

Anonymous said...

hi there!! havent posted or commented in a loooong time!! whats the hold up, you ask? we are tooo busy!! haha!! these last couple posts caught me up and they are precious!!! we loooove hanging out with you guys. i wouldnt have my life any other way. hope your evening is wonderful and cant wait to see you for an expensive dinner tomorrow night. ;)