Friday, October 26, 2007

11 months old?!

It's true, little Miss Sofia Helena will be 1 year old in less than one month. It is incredible how quickly time flies! Sofia was born on November 20, 2006 in Bergen op Zoom, NL and will be celebrating her 1st birthday here in Texas. It is amazing how much has changed in just 1 year. Sofia has gone from being a 6lb. preemie to a 21lb. active baby. Each and every day, Sofia amazes us.
Here are just a few new skills Sofia has recently acquired:

She has mastered the 'pinch' shall we say, and can feed herself finger foods, her favorite being cheese. She also enjoys Vanilla Wafers a great deal but despises Ritz Crackers.
Speaking of food, she has also developed a serious appetite for EVERYTHING...from chicken and stars to beef and barley, this girl loves food. Syd is proud to say that she doesn't share the same aversion to meat as her mommy :)

Sofia is on the verge of walking too. Two months ago, we bought her a walker and from day 1, she has loved it. She can walk around the house, exploring and laughing, without any help from Mommy or Papa. I am positive she will take her first steps before her 1st birthday. Click on the link to see her in action:

She can also speak two languages! Well, I wouldn't exactly call it 'speaking' but Sofia understands commands in English and Dutch. We are working on Spanish but I don't want to overwhelm the poor thing. She definitely has invented her own language and it t sounds a little something like this: "Da na bam bum ma da goo," it's the sweetest thing you will ever hear.

She can turn out the light when you ask her to, close the door, open it, raise her hands up high, clap, wave...the list goes on and on. It is amazing how much she can absorb and I know this is just the tip of the iceberg.
We have been blessed with a beautiful baby and we are thankful to be her parents or as she would say, her "Ma ma ma" and "Pa pa pa."


Welcome to the Harris family blog! As you all know, Syd and I are absolutely terrible about emailing and keeping you all up to date about what is going on in our lives so I have created this website to do just that. We hope that you all enjoy the stories we post no matter how serious or silly they may be; 'Sitting with Syd' was just the beginning!
You all mean so much to us so please, stay in touch and check back with us to see what new and exciting things are happening with the Harris'.